TSA PreCheck Cost

If you’re a frequent flier, you’ve probably had to put up with those intense security checks at airports. For example, you’ve been asked to kick off your shoes, take out metal items, and empty your bag before or after the scan. Not the most pleasant experience, right?

Well, TSA PreCheck can help you breeze through with a lighter inspection. In this article, you’ll find out how much TSA PreCheck costs, the perks the travelers receive, and how you can get signed up and become a member of the program.

TSA PreCheck Application Fee

TSA PreCheck Application Fee

TSA PreCheck is a unique opportunity to cut down your wait time at airport security. By joining the program, you can skip over some of the standard ID checks and baggage screening procedures (though there are a few exceptions).

Here are some of the benefits that come with membership and paying the TSA PreCheck price :

  • A special wristband granting access to separate security lines;
  • Bypassing standard identification procedures;
  • Quicker access to flights and lounges;
  • Priority screening at over 200 U.S. airports;
  • A long-term membership at a reasonable cost.

For example, TSA PreCheck offers a 5-year membership for around $78 (though prices vary based on the chosen provider). This applies only to domestic flights and is well worth it if you’re a frequent traveler. In many cases, the cost of TSA PreCheck is minimal compared to the time saved. Additionally, children under 18 can join in on the streamlined security clearance when their parents are members and stay up to date on fees.

TSA PreCheck Renewal Cost

TSA PreCheck Renewal Cost

When your initial five-year membership is up, you can renew it for another five years. To do this, you’ll need to go through the verification process again at one of the 500 service centers of the program and pay the cost for TSA PreCheck . How much does TSA PreCheck cost for renewal? It’s about $70 if you handle it online. Please note that the renewal prices vary slightly depending on the service provider and may vary within a small range. However, if you prefer to renew in person at an enrollment center, the standard $78 fee still applies.

Credit Card Reimbursements

It’s worth noting that close to 40 credit cards offer reimbursement for TSA PreCheck or Global Entry application fees. This includes many business, airline-branded, and hotel credit cards. Many travel credit cards that cover TSA PreCheck come with annual fees ranging from $95 to $695, so make sure to weigh the value based on your travel habits.

For example, the HSBC Premier Credit Card—which has no annual fee for authorized users—offers up to $85 in TSA PreCheck reimbursement every 4.5 years.

Global Entry Cost vs. TSA PreCheck Cost

Global Entry Cost vs. TSA PreCheck Cost

Global Entry

Global Entry includes all the benefits of TSA PreCheck and costs $120 for five years. Additionally, children under 18 can be included for free if their parents or guardians are members of NEXUS, SENTRI, or Global Entry.

Some premium bank cards and loyalty programs may cover a portion of these fees, when you’re applying or renewing.

Global Entry also comes with extra perks like access to airport kiosks and faster processing at land borders with Canada and Mexico.

TSA PreCheck

How much is TSA PreCheck ? The fee depends on the provider you go with. For example, applying through Idemia costs $78, while Telos charges $85.

Idemia is generally more convenient, with over 600 registration locations compared to Telos’s 26 across the U.S. Clear kiosks offer the service at $77.95.

Each provider offers a 5-year membership, with renewal costs as low as $70 if done online. Renewing the program through Clear’s website can be as low as $68.95.

To join TSA PreCheck, just fill out an application on the Department of Homeland Security’s website. You’ll need to provide some basic info like your name, eye color, height, and other ID details. Pay the regular commission and fee , and wait for your application to be processed. That’s it! Once you get your TSA number, just add it when booking tickets and enjoy faster security screening at the airport.